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Find The Right Homeowners Insurance

Your real estate agent led you to the perfect home.
Your Long & Foster Insurance agent will guide you in protecting it.

Convenient Process. Comprehensive Coverage.

As part of your local Long & Foster team, we know your home best. As an independent agency, we get proposals for you from the nation's top insurance providers. And, as your advocate, we help you pick the right protection for your home and the life you'll build there.


Call 1-866-950-3313.

Your dedicated Long & Foster insurance agent will collect all the important information about your home. You'll deal with a single point-of-contact, often in a single call.


We do the shopping.

We comparison shop for you, finding the best balance of protection and price. And we'll also look at additional coverage, like auto insurance, which we can bundle with your homeowner's policy to save you money.
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We decipher. You decide.

We'll translate each policy from insurance lingo into simple, easy-to-understand terms so you can confidently select the right coverage.

Our Long & Foster Connection
Means Custom Home Protection

We take the time to get to know you, your home, and
your unique needs.

We don't try to make off-the-shelf solutions fit. Instead, your Long & Foster insurance agent will design a solution specifically for you, customizing your coverage options from the ground up.

Protect Your Home & Your Investment

Not all homeowner's policies are the same; we'll help you understand all of your options. From property insurance to vacant home insurance to umbrella policies, we've got you covered. We'll even help you understand all the nuances of policy options, so you can understand everything in simple terms and make an informed decision about your coverage.

Property insurance policies vary from a basic fire policy to comprehensive homeowner's insurance that protects you from most losses and claims related to your home or personal property

Condo insurance should be customized to meet the requirements of the condo association's master policy, while also protecting you and your belongings.

Flood damage isn't covered unless you buy flood insurance. The cost is based on a variety of factors, primarily proximity to water and elevation.

Umbrella policies protect you and your family's liability from lawsuits or claims arising from accidentally injuring another person or damaging their property. Umbrella policies provide an extra layer of protection over and above your home and auto insurance.

Vacant property insurance covers damage or vandalism to unoccupied property, such as a vacation home or home for sale.

Home Warranty plans cover repair or replacement of your home's major systems, like heating and AC, as well as appliances.

Looking for title insurance?
Learn more about Long & Foster Settlement Services.


Insurance For Every Stage of Life

Just call your agent to re-assess coverage whenever life leads
you in new directions.

Long & Foster Insurance Options

If something happens to you, life insurance can help your family maintain their lifestyle, pay off the mortgage, or even go to college. We offer...

  • Term life insurance
  • Universal life insurance
  • Whole life insurance
  • Disability coverage
  • Renter's Insurance
Insurance Assistance from Long & Foster

With healthcare costs rising, many people struggle to find affordable coverage without sacrificing quality of care. We'll work with the nation's leading health insurance providers to customize your...

  • Health insurance
  • Health Savings Accounts
  • Dental insurance
  • Medicare supplements
  • Long-term care plan
  • Disability coverage
Find Insurance with Long & Foster

We know business is unpredictable. To help minimize the impact of a natural disaster, lawsuit, workplace injury, or other unexpected loss, we'll help you develop a custom insurance bundle, including...

  • General liability
  • Commercial property
  • Commercial vehicle
  • Workers compensation
  • Bonds

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